Bring Light In Kitchen, Ice White Shaker Cabinet!

Renovating a kitchen is a challenge. It’s a costly endeavor, and it can be difficult to choose a design scheme. The key to renovating a kitchen is to make it look timeless and adaptable so that as the trends change in a few years, you won’t have to do it all over again.

If you’re looking to rip out your old oak cabinets and install something more modern, you can’t go wrong with ice white shaker cabinets. Here’s some information to shed a little light on your kitchen situation.

What Are Shaker Cabinets?

Shaker cabinets are simple wooden cabinets that are tasteful and versatile. They’re known for their recessed inner panel framed by a simple square. Shaker cabinets are named for the traditional Shaker people from the 1700s, who were known for their craftsmanship and woodworking skills. 

This simple design works well with a variety of different interior design schemes and trends. They’re often treated with a lighter finish and have hidden hardware. Check out the Forevermark Ice White Shaker Cabinet Review to see them in action.

The White Kitchen Trend

The white kitchen trend has been growing in popularity over recent years. Unlike the black kitchen trend, which is expected to fade away fast and leave many people with regret, the white kitchen trend is here to stay. 

This interior design trend looks fantastic, crisp, and clean. The lighter colors make it easier to change the paint or countertops without the risk of clashing with the cabinets. 

One main concern with this trend is that the kitchen will look too sterile. You can offset this effect with pops of color in the form of accent pieces or a vibrant backsplash. You can also soften it with grey countertops or upper cabinets for a two-toned effect.

Benefits of White Cabinets

Aside from looking great, there are many benefits to investing in white cabinets, including:

Light Reflection

White reflects light within a space. If you invest in ice white cabinets, you’ll bring a lot of light into the kitchen and bring the heart of your home to life. This also helps increase natural light and reduces the need for dim overhead lighting that casts unflattering shadows. 

Increased Space

As a result of the light reflection and general airiness that light cabinets convey, your kitchen will look more spacious than it is. If you have a small or galley-style kitchen, opting for white cabinets can make it feel larger.

Versatile and Timeless

As mentioned before, white cabinets go with any paint or appliance color. As trends change or you decide you want a different paint color, you can rest easy knowing that your cabinets won’t need to be replaced.

If you do decide that you want to change the color of your cabinets ten years down the road, you can do so easily. It’s easier to paint over white than it is to refinish darker wood grain cabinets.

Increase Your Resale Value

Neutrals and light colors tend to sell better. This is a psychological response that allows potential buyers to envision their own style and color preferences in a space. In other words, it makes it easier for them to picture living there.

Adding white cabinets to your kitchen will help potential buyers envision themselves in the space. Additionally, the illusion of extra space will improve your resale value, as the kitchen is often the top priority for buyers. Even if you aren’t planning on selling any time soon, this is an important consideration to keep in mind.

If you’re planning on upgrading your kitchen, you can’t go wrong with bringing in light with white shaker cabinets.