Best Ways To Organize Pantry You Have To Try

organized pantry

A lot of families have been hit hard by the recession. They have lost their jobs or have had to accept lower-paying jobs just to pay the bills. Some are surviving, but many families are struggling. If you are a member of this type of household, then you know how important it is to have a clean, organized pantry. You want to make sure that you have all the food you need on hand so you don’t run out. So how do you organize your pantry?

Get rid of all expired food

The first step to the how-to organize Pantry challenge is to, first, rid the kitchen pantry of whatever is currently in it, and get rid of old or expired food, and get rid of any food you no longer recognize that you will never eat again. Many people were embarrassed enough to discover some very old, expired food stashed away in their cupboard. This can be extremely dangerous for several reasons, including toxic contamination and poisoning of your family. This may seem like an extreme step, but in many cases, it is a necessity.

Store food according to the type

If you store your food according to type, then you will be able to organize your pantry better. For instance, if you usually purchase frozen foods, then you should sort the canned goods and similar items together. If you have a lot of salad ingredients, then these should also be stored together. Storing things according to type makes it much easier when it comes time to come up with a shopping list.

One area that has proved to be very problematic for many families, is jars and containers. Once you solve this, it will improve the functionality of your home significantly. Most families have at least one and probably more jars and containers within their homes. These jars and containers are full of cooking spices, oils, sauces, meats, vegetables, etc. There is absolutely no way for you to know what is inside each jar or container. Some families even keep different kinds of sauces and spices in different containers, which causes a mess. You need to identify which containers contain which kind of product so that you can put them back into their proper places.

organized pantry

Use pantry shelves

You can also use your pantry shelves to house your cutlery, spoons, forks, knives, measuring cups, bowls, etc. A good way to organize these items is by labeling them. For example, you can label each utensil with a can or bottle so that you know exactly where it goes. The same idea goes for plates, dishes, etc. You can buy plastic containers to place them in so that you won’t have to constantly worry about them.

If you have a lot of spices or canned goods that are exposed to moisture daily, then you should consider buying deep shelves for these foods. Deep shelves store the foods upside down so that they are not damaged. The benefit of these shelves is that the spices will last longer. Another alternative for these kinds of containers is plastic bins. These bins keep the foods separated from each other and in good condition. You may also want to consider buying food storage baskets that store various kinds of foods, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and meats.

A big pantry shelf system is one way to organize your kitchen. The key is to know how much everything you have, whether it’s canned goods or spices. Once you have determined the maximum number of containers that you can buy, you can then divide the rest of the kitchen space between foods. If you need to purchase more storage space, there are a few different options available. A kitchen pantry shelf can be purchased relatively inexpensively, and it can help organize your kitchen.

Use labels

Another idea for organizing your pantry shelf is to use clear labels for things like spices, sauces, soups, sauces, and other cooking products. Use your imagination when you come up with creative ideas for using these labels. You can also use stickers to write important phone numbers, dates, and even your name on the can or label. This will help you remember what you stored in a specific container or can. Stickers are also another option if you don’t want to have labels. Buy sticker-based labels from your local grocery store.